Malaysia Distance Chart

Looking for a distance chart? If you are traveling in Malaysia and would like to know the approximate time that it will take to reach a town, the following tables provide an approximate distance in kilometres between major towns in Peninsular Malaysia.

If you are driving from Kuala Lumpur to Lumut, the approximate distance is 288 km. Out of the 288 km, about 120 km will be on the PLUS Highway of which you can travel at a speed of 110 km/hour. The balance 168 km is traveled on trunk road with an average speed of 70 km/hour.

Hence, an estimate of total time needed to travel without stopping will be:

Total time = Distance/Speed = 120/110 + 168/70 

= 65 min + 144 min = 209 minutes

The total time is about 209 minutes which is approximately 3 hours and 30 minutes.

If you are traveling by bus, add another 40 minutes to compensate for the time it takes for breaks during the journey.

Distance Chart from Kuala Lumpur

No Kuala Lumpur To Distance
1 Alor Star 462 km
2 Batu Pahat 239 km
3 Bukit Fraser 99 km
4 Bukit Ibam 238 km
5 Bukit Kayu Hitam 510 km
6 Butterworth 369 km
7 Dabong 556 km
8 Desaru 436 km
9 Dungun 390 km
10 Gemas 168 km
11 Grik 359 km
12 Gua Musang 290 km
13 Ipoh 205 km
14 Jeli 503 km
15 Johor Bahru 368 km
16 Kajang 22 km
17 Kangar 507 km
18 Klang 33 km
19 Kota Bharu 474 km
20 Kota Tinggi 383 km
21 Kuala Kangsar 255 km
22 Kuala Lipis 171 km
23 Kuala Selangor 67 km
24 Kuala Terengganu 455 km
25 Kuantan 259 km
26 Lumut 288 km
27 Melaka 144 km
28 Mersing 353 km
29 Muar 189 km
30 Padang Besar 544 km
31 Port Klang 41 km
32 Pontian Kecil 312 km
33 Port Dickson 90 km
34 Seremban 64 km
35 Shah Alam 25 km
36 Sungai Petani 404 km
37 Taiping 291 km
38 Tampin 112 km
39 Teluk Intan 166 km
40 Temerloh 133 km

Distance Chart from Johor Bahru 

No Johor Bahru To Distance
1 Alor Star 830 km
2 Batu Pahat 126 km
3 Bukit Fraser 467 km
4 Bukit Ibam 281 km
5 Bukit Kayu Hitam 878 km
6 Butterworth 737 km
7 Dabong 799 km
8 Desaru 94 km
9 Dungun 456 km
10 Gemas 215 km
11 Grik 727 km
12 Gua Musang 605 km
13 Ipoh 573 km
14 Jeli 746 km
15 Kajang 347 km
16 Kangar 875 km
17 Klang 401 km
18 Kota Bharu 689 km
19 Kota Tinggi 41 km
20 Kuala Kangsar 623 km
21 Kuala Lipis 468 km
22 Kuala Lumpur 368 km
23 Kuala Selangor 435 km
24 Kuala Terengganu 521 km
25 Kuantan 325 km
26 Lumut 656 km
27 Melaka 224 km
28 Mersing 134 km
29 Muar 179 km
30 Padang Besar 912 km
31 Port Klang 409 km
32 Pontian Kecil 61 km
33 Port Dickson 318 km
34 Seremban 304 km
35 Shah Alam 393 km
36 Sungai Petani 772 km
37 Taiping 659 km
38 Tampin 262 km
39 Teluk Intan 533 km
40 Temerloh 342 km

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